To anyone on this forum who might be able to give me some advice. I live in New York and I am obsessed with learning Savate. The problem is I can not find an Instructor! There is only one place here that offers anything, but its not a savate school. Its a martial arts school, and the requiremnet is that you practice another martial art for 2-4 months before Savate becomes available. Then the price per month jumps up $45 and they offer Savate once a week for an hour! Not exactly what I'm looking for. So I have been trying to use ever resource the internest has to find something, but so far its a Cold Case File. If anyone knows of any Instructors in NEw York, any info, even a rumor or a website, or a friend please let me know. I own a small gym and wouldn't really need an actual academy, just a teacher. Heck if there is anyone out there I'd be happy to let them start a Savate program in my gym, so there would finally be a Savate School in the Area!! Thank you to anyone who reads this, and I appreciate any advice at all.