The League is really about the GBSF trying to promote Savate to a wider audience in the UK. As such, a report and the results of each League event will feature in Combat Magazine. The League will also act as a means of determining who are the National (British) Champions.
The League is open to anyone to attend, but competitors will have to be prepared to pay their own way. Having said that, there may be people here in the UK who could put foreign competitors up for a night or two and, perhaps, give them some scraps off the table too!
The new GBSF Savate Assaut League commences on Sunday 19th March in Cambridge. So now is the time to start getting into some serious training - if you're not already.
The eight weight categories for Male competitors will be as follows:
At each League event the weight categories will be fought in the Pool (poules) system. If anyone needs clarification as to how that will work, please contact me directly. The winner of each weight division at each League event will receive 10 (ten) points. The runner-up (reserve) will get 6 (six) points. Third placed will be awarded 4 (four) points. Fourth placed will receive 3 (three) points. All or any others in that weight category coming below fourth place will receive 2 (two) points.
By a majority decision, the GBSF Committee has agreed that the League be Open to Savateurs and Savateuses of all nationalities. We reserve the right, however, to limit the numbers in any given weight division if the number of entries looks like becoming unmanageable, or impractical. Early registration for the League is, therefore, strongly recommended. Please make sure to enter into the correct weight division. If in doubt, weigh yourselves on a beam scale at your local gym.
Entrance fees are still being considered. Other information to follow, or is available on request if urgently required.